-Now that your tattoo session is complete, here are some aftercare tips and recommendations on how to heal your fresh tattoo. Please read carefully the information below.

-Keep the Second Skin on for 5 to 7 days. If the plasma inside leaks out, Please remove and replace the second skin. While the second skin is waterproof, do not apply excessive amounts of water on it.

-Remove the Second Skin in the shower after 5 days, by pulling on it, not peeling it off.

-After removing the second skin, wash your tattoo with unscented antibacterial liquid soap from a bottle. Do not use bar soap. We recommend Cetaphil as the most gentle and available option.

-Gently wash your tattoo with lukewarm water twice a day (or as needed), every day until fully healed (2-3 weeks)

-Do not use loofah, sponges, scrubs, or towels to clean your tattoo. If wet, gently pat dry the tattoo with a clean scott towel to remove excess moisture. Do not dry your tattoo by rubbing.

-Once your tattoo is cleaned, apply a small quantity of unscented moisturizer. (Do not use Vaseline, Neosporin, and Polysporin)

-Moisturize your tattoo at least 3 times a day every day until it is completely healed (2-3 weeks).

-Do not scratch, poke, touch, or bump your tattoo.

-Do not use alcohol, saline solution or similar to heal your tattoos.

-Avoid drinking alcohol for the first 2 days after your tattoo is done.

-Avoid exercise and excessive sweating for the first week.

-Do not submerge your tattoo in water (baths, pools, hot tubs, or long showers) or saunas/spas for 2 weeks.

-Avoid exposure to the sun for 2 weeks.

-Avoid tight clothing for 2 weeks.